We received the results of Hannah’s second 24-hour holter monitor test on Friday. She still had several episodes of a high heart rate in the 200s and some irregular rhythms. BUT her cardiologist said it was much more controlled than last time and he was pleased to see that. He still went up on her Propranolol another tenth of a milliliter, so she is now taking 0.5 mL three times a day. We have to repeat the holter monitor for the third time this Thursday. We are praying that this will be the last time she’ll have to wear all those stickers and wires. Not much fun for an eight month old- especially at night. She can’t sleep! We are also praying that the results will show even more control so she will not need any more medicine. On that note, however, Hannah has done EXCELLENT taking all her meds lately. It definitely takes the two of us, but she basically just opens her mouth and swallows, as long as our entertainment is satisfactory! Greg does a great job of making her smile and giggle, so the whole experience is much less stressful. As always, thank you for continuing to pray for complete healing of her heart, and that this new condition does NOT compromise her heart’s ability to regain more function.
We wanted to mention that Brea received her brand new heart this week!! She had her transplant surgery on Friday night and is doing very well. Praise God for science! The human body is truly amazing because we have an awesome Creator who designed it that way.
Ezekiel 36:26 “I will give you a new heart and a new spirit.”