5/29/2007 – More awesome news!


Hannah had another ECHO today, and they measured her shortening fraction at 21% and 22%. She was really fussy and squirmy, so they weren’t able to do any more measurements. The cardiologist said it was MUCH better than that! Her mitral valve (which separates the left ventricle from the left atrium) is now fully closing with NO leakage! (Before, since her heart was so dilated, the leaflets of the mitral valve weren’t touching, so blood was recirculating between her left ventricle and left atrium.) Her heart literally looked brand new. I’ve never seen it contract so well! PRAISE GOD!!!

The cardiologist feels so good about her function that he’s beginning to wean her off of some of the heart failure and maintenance medications! This is another BIG answered prayer! She’s completely off of Digoxin and Aspirin, and her Carvedilol and Enalapril dosages have been changed to once a day instead of twice a day. In another three weeks, she will be completely off of the Carvedilol and Enalapril. They will have to do some blood work in a few weeks to make sure she’s not showing any signs of side-effects of the Amiodarone (the main anti-arrhythmia medication she’s on).

It’s becoming pretty clear that the AET is what caused all this in the first place. Her cardiologist feels like the next appointment in six weeks will show even more improvement in ventricular function, even with the reduced treatment. Hannah was sent home with a Holter monitor, just to make sure the Amiodarone is doing its job and controlling the arrhythmia.

As I look back at our journey over the past six months, it is so obvious that God has completely healed Hannah’s heart. She IS such an awesome testimony of the power of the God we serve, that He IS still in the miracle business!

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