This past Sunday was a very special day. During the 9am service, after an incredible worship experience, Pastor Dino asked me to share Hannah’s story. Delynn led the entire congregation in an incredible prayer for Hannah, asking God for her complete healing. We are so blessed to be in a church who is standing with us in prayer for Hannah and her heart condition! I cannot brag enough about our pastoral staff and about the spiritual and emotional support we’ve received from them. Words cannot express how truly thankful and grateful we are for you!
Hannah did another holter monitor on Friday, and I turned it in Monday morning. Tuesday morning, we received the following from her cardiologist:
“Wow. So much better. Zero SVT. I mean none, nada, nil. Peak HR 133.”
PRAISE GOD! Not only did she not have ANY sign of arrhythmia, but her peak heart rate had dropped by 100 bpm! God is so faithful! I knew the results would be good, since we noticed an immediate increase in her appetite and energy level after starting the Propranolol, but this is just OVER THE TOP GOOD NEWS!
Dr. Brumund has sent this holter, along with the others, to the electrophysiology team at Ochsner in New Orleans. At some point they will want to meet with us and discuss our options regarding ablation. The great thing is that her current meds are working perfectly, and her ventricular function will continue to be excellent, so there is no crisis forcing us to make a decision immediately. If we are to go through this ablation procedure, we want to make sure she’s healthy, and that the team of doctors performing the procedure are comfortable with the entire situation.
I’ll keep you all posted as soon as we know anything else. In the meantime, praise God for what He has done and continues to do! And please keep Hannah in your prayers. We know that God is not through yet! I cannot wait to see what He has in store for her! What a powerful testimony she already has! Lori and I both feel like God is telling us to be patient and keep relying on Him. So we will! And there will be victory in the NAME of JESUS!
Just checking in and still praying…