Please sign Hannah’s guestbook!
834 entries.
Sweet baby Hannah, I have seen a miracle God has done on my sister when I prayed for her healing from breast cancer. And again I will pray and beleive the same God of miracles will heal you. Can't wait to hear the good news.
Greg & Lori, my prayers are with you, Hannah and your family. God is working in your lives and will continue to do so. Hannah will be healed! Trust the Lord.
Greg and Lori, Keep on believing and we will keep on praying.
Dear Hannah, I am praying for you. I hope you get better. I do not know you personally, but I know you are sick and I know God will help you and will show you miracles. With all of my love, Haylee
We prayed for Hannah at the 8:00 service this morning and we will continue to keep her in our prayers.
As I viewed the pictures and read Hannah's story, I thought to myself what a priceless gift from God, little Hannah is and what a tremendous testimony you will have to give as God's miracle working hands completely heal her precious heart! I am standing in agreement with you that by his stripes Hannah is healed today in Jesus name!
There is nothing impossible for our God! King of King and Lord of Lords! I pray too that God will show off big time and this miracle will keep people talking and accepting God for a long time to come!
There is nothing impossible for our God! King of King and Lord of Lords! I pray too that God will show off big time and this miracle will keep people talking and accepting God for a long time to come!
Happy to read of the good news as the old year ends and I am praying for a complete recovery for Hannah soon in the New Year.
We are prayng for Hannah.
I believe in miracles. I saw Him perform a miracle for my husband when he was on a resperator and told he would never live much less walk, talk, etc. He was totally immobile and unable to move any part of his body. Guillain Barre. He walked out of the hospital two weeks later! The docs said miracle. God also healed my one year old baby when the doctor walked away after telling us there was noting more he could do and she would probably die after one of the seizures she had been having for nearly an hour. Satan said give up on your Lord - he is taking your child - but God said - Only Believe! We prayed and suddenly she stopped having seizures and went home the next day! Each Doctor said it was a miracle. I am praying for a miracle for Hannah. Keep believing. Love and prayers.
Hi .. well I don't know your family but I will pray for baby Hannah. But I promise if you put it all into God's hands everything will work out. Have a safe and happy new year. All my love, Maddie
Hey guys, the pics of Hannah are so beautiful, it is easy to see her personality in every one. Pastor pierced my heart when he asked to pray like she was my very own, all I could envision is how I would want prayer for one of my daughters. I will stand in prayer with you until God answers our prayers.
Betty and I will be praying for little Hannah. She is such a precious child and we can believe that God's eyes are on her. Hold strong Greg and Lori. God is in charge.
We will keep you in our prayers. Our God is a mighty big God. Nothing is beyond His control.
Praying for your precious angel.
Lori, Greg, & Hannah, you are all in my prayers. Lord, I pray that you will give this family the peace that only you can give, and that your healing touch is with Hannah.
Lori and Greg,
We are praying for Hannah as a family daily as we pray for healing for members of our own family. We serve a great God. Hannah will be completely healed in the name of our great Savior Jesus Christ.
We are praying for Hannah as a family daily as we pray for healing for members of our own family. We serve a great God. Hannah will be completely healed in the name of our great Savior Jesus Christ.
We will be praying for Hannah. She is such a beautiful little girl. Our thoughts are with you during this time.
Remember that God works miracles in mysterious ways. You will be in my prayers daily.
Greg and Lori, I will pray for you and for sweet little Hannah. My daughter was diagnosed with a form of infantile cancer at 3 months old. Her diagnosis was fatal, but God and the prayers of wonderful Christians changed all of that, she is now a beautiful 23 year young lady. God is so big and wonderful, I believe in Hannah's healing and will pray for her several times a day until her return home.
Lord, I pray that you will receive glory through Hannah's journey. I pray that you will be lifted high and draw new hearts to yours as you work in this family. Strengthen them as they take each day as it comes, placing their lives in your loving hands.
It was so good to read your Paw Paw's note today. I am just having this wonderful picture of you in my head with the pacifier in your mouth instead of that tube. We rejoice with your whole family over the little miracles that God is bestowing daily in your life.
You have such a beautiful little girl, try not to worry you have alot of people praying for her.
God is a B I G God ..... let's continue to believe Him for B I G answers to prayer. I admire both of you, Greg and Lori, for your huge faith in the Lord. He is the Great Physician.....Dr. Jesus. I love all of you very much.