Please sign Hannah’s guestbook!
834 entries.
Good Morning! I enjoy pulling up your site because I can see that precious face looking at me. Praise God for Hannah's healing! Your daily updates are so uplifting and postive even with all you have been thru, you end up ministering to us. Praying for God's continueing blessings. Love, Kathy
What a beautiful baby girl. God work miracles! I wish her a speedy recovery. God Bless....
Thank you for sharing your baby's site with us and I am praying for God to continue to heal her. She is a beautiful baby and such a precious gift for you. I will continue to pray for all of you and pass this site on to my friends that will also pray for you. I am a recipiant of God's miracle myself and feel that Hannah is in his favor too. I will also pray for Lanie's parents Mickey and Ginger and her little brother. I pray that God will ease their pain from their loss and they will find peace. Its a pain that I can't even begin to imagine. I send love and prayers Bonnie
I love going to your webpage and reading the updates about little Hannah. I am believing God with you that He will truly heal her little body, the body that He made and formed. She is truly in His hands, and I'm praying that you feel His love and precious arms around the two of you as you walk through this with Hannah. Love and hugs to you, Lori!
We are praying for Hannah's full and speedy recovery. So far things are looking good and we ask God to continue his good work so Hannah may enjoy a full recovery.
I do not know y'all personally, but I read the story on Pastor Dino's website. I just wanted to put this in as an encouragement to you and your family. My name is Stephanie and I am 20 years old. I was born and raised in Baton Rouge my entire life. A year ago, January '06, I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy and was placed in the hospital for 4 days with my doctors, nurses and cardiologists unsure of what the outcome may be. They had me on 2 different medications intravenously and one by mouth trying to fight the infection which was spreading out of control. It went from a cold to full blown cardiomyopathy, pneumonia and pleurisy in a little over 24 hours. I was told in the end that I wasn't expected to make it, but they were doing everything they could but nothing seemed to working as it should. God was in control the whole time and always is, but tests us to see if we have faith and trust him with everything. I wanted to write you this to say that you have a sister in Christ that has been through this experience personally. God's hand is on Hannah, just continue to remain faithful to God with your everyday lives and through prayer. HE is THE Healer! I believe with all my heart that God is being her peace.
Hannah is a beautiful child and I will keep her and your family in continuing prayer. Jesus is the mighty healer and will continue to praise Him for the miracle He is performing in Hannah. PRAISE GOD FOR YOUR FAITH
As a father of 3 girls the youngest being 21 months, I can only imagine how hard this must be on all of you. I will keep you all in my prayers, and just keep believing. Hannah's Christmas pictures were adorable, and with all the prayer's for your beautiful little girl, I'm sure that it's just one of many for ya'll to enjoy with her.
God is doing a healing in my life right now and I will pray that God will heal your baby girl. She is beautiful. God Bless your family always, Freddy
I can understand you being overly cautious over Hannah. I am happy she was O.K. after all her crying.
I will pray for Lanie' parents. Sometimes we cannot see God's blessings. I feel this was an outpouring of God's love for the little girl. She is healthy and happy now in heaven.
I will pray for Lanie' parents. Sometimes we cannot see God's blessings. I feel this was an outpouring of God's love for the little girl. She is healthy and happy now in heaven.
Your daughter's site was shared with me by a close friend and member of your church. Your testimony has touched me tremendously. I am pregnant with twins and the Dr. says that one of my babies has a condition of the brain called hydrocephalus and he will need surgery after delivery and I believe as you do that God is the Great Physician and I will only listen to his report. I will pray for continued recovery in your little girl.
We have just received word from Ed's mother about Hannah's vast improvements, and her website. Our hearts are filled with joy for you. We pray that God will continue to bless Hannah so that she will be completely healed. We also pray for you, her parents, so that you may have the needed strength for Hannah's care.
I am so happy that things are still going well. I have shared your wonderful story over and over with many people. I found a piece of paper in my bible and I want to share what I had written down. "When there is nothing left but God, that is when you find that God is all you need." He is still at work, mending and knitting a little heart.
We rejoice with you in Hannah's improvement. God bless all of you & we will continue to pray & watch God at work! Love, Hilary, Craig, Faith, Claire & Will
YEAH!!! Hannah and her sweet family are home. We are so excited about how well she is doing. Every night when we put Ryder to sleep and pray over him, we also pray for Hannah. God is so good. Before we know it, Hannah will be crawling around everywhere! Post some more pics of her if you get a chance. We'd love to see her sweet face! Many blessings and love to all of you! 🙂
What a beautiful, precious little gift God has given to you all. He must have great plans !!!
Hannah - (Hebrew -- gift of God, grace) I believe God himself chose that name for her -- a prophetic thing, and since He never gives us more than we can bear, you are truly graced to handle much. His confidence in you is evident. Remember, He gives grace to the humble and resists the proud -- so there -- another positive and Godly attribute that He has "graced" you with. Praise the LORD! Halleluyah!!
Hannah - (Hebrew -- gift of God, grace) I believe God himself chose that name for her -- a prophetic thing, and since He never gives us more than we can bear, you are truly graced to handle much. His confidence in you is evident. Remember, He gives grace to the humble and resists the proud -- so there -- another positive and Godly attribute that He has "graced" you with. Praise the LORD! Halleluyah!!
Dear Greg, Lori & Baby Hannah -- Praise GOD you are home and Hannah is doing so well. GOD is still in the miracle business! I enjoy reading your updates daily, they are so positive and uplifting. You have gone thru so much and yet you stay so strong. You end up ministering to us thru your words. Read Psalms 103, it's a chapter and verses of love and praise. GOD bless you and your precious family! Kathy
How blessed Hannah is to have a mommy and daddy that serve the Lord! This is LIVING the Christian life. Each time I read the updates I am blessed and encouraged to persevere. I continue to pray for you and trust in the truth of God's word. Thanks you! I love you!
I will keep Hannah in my prayers.
Hi Greg and Lori! I handle your personal insurance accounts. I am so touched by your story. Hannah is in all of our prayers here at Henry Insurance. I know that God is touching your little miracle and with the continued prayers and faith she will be healed.
My cousin, Brandy Mizell, called me this morning and said "Go to this website, this little girl is sick and they are all believing that God is going to heal her!" And I was like "All right! I will definetely go see!" And, well, here I am. Let me just say that she is a BEAUTIFUL little miracle. Keep praying, for we serve a faithful God! I will keep checking back for updates. And I will keep praying for Hannah, my little sister in Christ.
It is so wonderful to read the latest updates. I can just visualize Hannah as she plays and sleeps back in the warmth of her own home. Praise God for what He has done.
We are beginning today with a prayer for Hannah and all of you. We are rejoicing with you at her continuing improvement. We are so happy that she is doing so well. Lynn, Mike, Olivia, and John
Just wanted to tell you we are praying for yall. Lynn McGown told us about yall. Olivia takes cheerleading and dance from our gym Full FX. What an awesome testimony. Hannah is beautiful and you would never know she was sick from looking at the pictures. Keep your trust in God. He is in control of all situations. We will continue to pray for her healing.
Praise God, for He is truly a "miracle worker!" I haven't had the chance to meet either of you but I have been going to HPC for nearly 3 years and wanted to let you know how much your faith throughout Hannah's ordeal has inspired me! May God continue to bless your family and keep Hannah wrapped safely in His arms.